17 Mar COVID-19: Taking Precautions to Prevent Spread, Remain Open During Pandemic
The Law Office of W. Scott Kimberly is deeply committed to protecting not only the rights of our clients, but also their health and wellness. At this time, while our office remains open for business, we have adopted and implemented a number of recommendations from local, state, and federal government agencies to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
Specifically, our office is adopting recommended social distancing policies including, but not limited to: deep cleaning and disinfecting office space to ensure cleanliness and help fight the spread of any disease or virus; allowing all staff and attorneys to work remotely; limiting in-person meetings to the extent possible; and setting all client meetings and new client consultations via electronic and/or telephonic meetings.
The Tennessee Supreme Court recently issued an Order suspending all in-person court proceedings for all local and state courts, subject to a few limited exceptions, in an effort to fight against the spread of the COVID-19 Virus.
While the Courts have temporarily suspended proceedings, The Law Office of W. Scott Kimberly remains committed to diligently working for our clients and achieving their goals. We will remain open and fully responsive to all clients for any questions and concerns during this time.
The Court Clerk Offices are also open through the suspension of court proceedings and are available to receive fax filings for court documents as well as answer calls regarding rescheduling court appearances, so that our office may make appropriate filings, assert necessary defenses, and best serve our clients and the community.
In this trying time, as in all times, if you or a friend are in need of help, we are here to help. We hope you and your families remain healthy and happy during this trying time in our community.
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